Recently, I have experienced a LOT of issues with my mods and custom content. From missing meshes to outdated mods and new sims updates it just made for a laggy game.
I know that there is the mod conflict detector but I have a mac and can't find one that works with macs so that I can help weed out bad mods, cc, and missing mesh items. Some people are SUPER organized with there mods, I, however, am not and for me the easier thing to do was to start over.
I had a little over 2000 CC downloads so it is super sad, but at the same time, it allows me to start over and not have so many issues with my game. I did learn to watch out for extra links for meshes ETC. Maybe this time I can be more organized with my mod folder so I can avoid having to get rid of everything if this happens again in the future (which I hope it doesn't).
So here is to starting over!
Until next time...
Friday, October 13, 2017
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Updated Room tour-sims edition! ( 2017)
Hello all you simmers, bloggers, readers, and people out there!
_________________________________________________________________________________A few months back I posted a room tour-sims edition. I recently moved and wanted to add an updated version. I love building in the Sims although I am definitely not the best at it, so I decided I would do the room tour updated sims edition again. And to date, that is my most viewed post. So why not post an updated one since I moved!? Without further a due...
DISCLAIMER: I am very thankful for the things I have and I am not making this post to brag in any way...
If you read the last room tour post it the room was much bigger. I will actually be moving out of my parent's house in the next few months into an apartment so my room will actually be a guest room. The apartment I am moving into is a fully furnished apartment ( I will have 5 roommates, it's an apartment that has a deal with my college since it's small and does not have dorms) so the furniture in "my" room will stay there.
The room in the new house (they now own instead of rent) is smaller so things are closer together. My cat's things (food bowl, litter box, water, cat tree, ETC) are no longer in my room but located somewhere else in the house so I don't share the room with his things. That helped give me more room for my things...
Overview 1
Right in front of my bed is my dresser (when we moved I took the mirror off) , I have my TV on it, and next to it on one side is my hermit crabs tank, and the other side has my betta fish. I also have my wii on top of the dresser as well
My bed, the room theme is Red, black, and white.
I actually have a walk-in closet! It will actually also be my "office". There is no room for my desk in the room so I am putting it in the closet once I get to my desk. It is currently buried under boxes in the garage. We literally just moved like 2 weeks ago. I still have some boxes stacked in my closet but for the most part, all of my boxes are unpacked.
Next to my bed is my side table. I normally have a ton of water bottles on it because I drink a lot of water, and for some reason, I am extremely thirsty at night. I have a candle and my little lamp as well. Other than that I try to keep everything clutter free and with not much on top.
Overview 2
I hope you enjoyed my short post room tour. updated sims edition! The room is super cozy and I like it more than the big room, and having a bigger closet is awesome! I highly recommend, if you ever get the chance, get a house/place that has a walk-in closet. They are amazing!
Until next time...
Thursday, September 7, 2017
Alien throne
I was expected to become queen. I spent my whole life as a princess preparing for the moment when my mother handed me her crown and I had could rule all of Asperyia, my home, my planet. I couldn't take the crown though. My mother started telling me that when I took the throne that I would be forbidden to have a family of my own. I was devastated. A family was something I had always dreamed about and something I wanted more than the crown. She was married and had me and my brother so I didn't understand why I would be forbidden to have a family. I was upset so I left Asperyia. My mother never knew but my father had taken me to earth many times when I was younger. He would take me to the park and swimming pools. Those were some of my best memories and ones I hold even closer to my heart since my father passed away.
I crash landed. Midway through my flight to earth, I experienced Engine failure. After I crashed I opened my eyes just enough to see a man standing above me asking if I was ok, then nothing but darkness. Later when I awoke, I was told I was asleep for 3 days. I woke up and looked around. I was in a room, the bed felt like a cloud. Sitting next to me asleep on a chair was a man. He looked so at peace I couldn't help but stare. I didn't once feel scared or frightened. I actually felt safe. He suddenly woke up and quickly moved to stand.

"Hi, how are you feeling?" he said as he looked down at me, the look of concern washing over his face.
"H...hi" I said my voice shaking.
"Please don't be scared. You're ok. You're safe. My name is Emery. I don't know if you remember but you were landing accident." Emery said concerned.
Emery took really good care of me. He explained how he found me and that I had been asleep for 3 days. We talked for hours. I learned that he wasn't actually human. He was a vampire. A good one. He did not drink from humans nor aliens but rather plasma packs.
"Look. I know we just met, and this is insane, but, would you like to go on a date with me? Just coffee. What do you say?" he said anxiously.
"I would really love that" I whispered.
Hours felt like only seconds. He opened up to me so much. It felt like I had known him my whole life.
"Emery! I have to get back to Aspyria! My family will be so worried. I have to go back. I'm the princess. I know this is sudden but I just remembered. I guess I have been a little out of it. I have to go." I ran out of the coffee place we were at and took a mental note. It was called the Coffee Bean.
When I arrived back to Aspyria I was greeted by my mother who ran to me in relief. I was ok. I told her all about what happened. She forbid me to go back. I told her I fell inlove with a man. Then she gave me an option. And told me there was no second chances after I made my choice. Either I become queen or I go to earth and be with that man.
"I chose love. I chose a life." I said as I walked away from my mother. I turned my back on Aspyria. I knew that if I left I could never come back.
I found emery as soon as I landed. Safely this time. He was at the coffee bean. He said he wasn't going to leave, he knew I would be back. He took me back to his home so we could talk and be alone.
I fell asleep and he carried me to the bed. When I woke up the next day I panicked. I didn't want to be away from him. I found him in his office working.
"Emery!" I said panicked.
He got up from his chair so fast and ran to me, holding me in his arms.
"Shhhh it's ok. You're ok." he whispered.
That was all he had to say and I suddenly felt so calm.
I looked up at him and stared into his eyes. We began to kiss and I realized I really was in love with him and leaving Aspyria was the best decision I had ever made.
A few months later I found out I was pregnant.
And a few months after that I delivered a hhealthy baby boy named Colbalt.
I named him after my father. King Colbalt. King was his middle name.
Cobalt King Starr
To Be Continued...
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Changing my ways... Short story (Warning: Rated R)
WARNING: This post is Rated R or rated M for mature
I'm not proud of how I was. Anytime I think back on my teen years, I am disgusted. I slept around a lot. I wasn't loved much as a child, stereotypical I know, but it's true, or at least that's why I think I was like that.
When I was 17 I found out I was pregnant. I knew things had to change. It wouldn't be just me anymore. I wanted to be a good mother.
My mother was never around much, when she was, she was really drunk. She would verbally and physically abuse me. If I slept with a guy I was normally able to spend the night at his place and not have to go home to my mother that night. So I slept around. Daily or at least as often as I could. Sometimes with multiple people.
When I found I was pregnant, I wrote a letter to my mom, packed my bags, and left. I went out to the country side where I knew there was an abandoned house. I hung out with a guy named Dave about a year back who showed me this place. It was his sexual fantasy to have sex in an abandoned house, and so we did. It wasn't your ordinary abandoned house. The house was well kept. Dave told me there was a farmer that lived about 5 miles away. The house belonged to his daughter. They got in a bad fight and she packed her bags and left. He keeps the house nice just in case she comes back. It's a sad story. Whether it was real or not, I don't know. The inside was fully furnished, and it was a 2 bedroom 1 bath house. The backyard had plots where you could garden. The closest shop was about 10 miles away. There was a bicycle in the little garage. I planned on using that to get around. I would stay quit and out of the way so the farmer wouldn't find out I was living there. I had 2 bags. One with cloths and ones with random things I thought would come in handy. I didn't have a job and 10 miles is a long way on a bike pregnant in my opinion. I was already 5 and a half months by the time I left home.
The letter I left for my mother told her I was pregnant and wanted to give my child a better life than what she gave me. I felt the life of my child would be in danger if I stayed so that I was leaving and would never be coming back.
It was a little harsh, but I wanted to get the point across. I don't think my mom could ever stop drinking. My dad was a dead beat and eventually left when I turned 6. I don't really remember him much, just that he was gone a lot. I think he ended up cheating on my mom and then left to be with the younger version of my mom, I don't really know. I do know it must have been hard raising a child alone but she got into drinking when my father left and was never the same. A lot of abuse took place so a part of me is angry at my father too. For leaving. For leaving me with her. I just knew I didn't want my situation to be like that for my kids.
I have no idea who my childs father is, but I know I am going to be a good mother. I changed my ways.
By the time I was 8 months pregnant, I had created a garden and had things growing and the house was clean of cob webs and bugs. The power worked but I chose to light candles at night and use natural light during the day so that the power bill wouldn't go up and the farmer get suspicious.
To my surprise I was not pregnant with only one child, not even two. I gave birth to triplets. Two boys and one girl.
They grew up so fast, before I knew it they were 4 years old.
The farmer did find out I was living there but after hearing my story he let me stay for as long as I wanted. The deal was he would let us stay if he
A few months after I started working on the farm I met a man. I swore I would stay away from guys. I didn't want to go back to the way things were, the way I was. But he was different. We went on dates and we talked. He was kind. We ended up having sex. A lot. Then he invited a friend. They would come to my home when the kids were at day care and we would have sex until I had to leave to pick them up. Next thing I knew I was pregnant. I was upset. I ended up acting like a slut again. This time I could tell who the father was. His name was Arthur. The other guy wore a condom, Arthur refused and at the time I didn't mind. I was going to let Arthur know, but tell him and the other guy that it had to stop.
Arthur wanted to be a part of my life, he wanted to meet my kids, and be there for me throughout my pregnancy. I was surprised but happy. I might have a shot at a family.
We talked for hours that day. I picked up my kids, gave them dinner, put them to bed and spent the whole evening with Arthur. No sex. Just talking. That was the first time that I had ever done that with a guy.
We fell asleep a few times but each time would get up and continue talking. He eventually moved in with me. When Farmer Sam found out he wasn't happy. He kicked me out despite our deal that I worked at the farm. I was there everyday. At the same time I understood. Arthur took us in.
He payed for me to get a photoshoot done. He wanted to spoil me and the kids as much as he could. I didn't know it at the time, but he came from a rich family.
Right after I gave birth to another baby girl who we named Ella, Arthur purposed to me.
We had a small backyard wedding with the triplets there to watch.
I had never been so happy. We moved to windenburg into a big home. I got a job as a cook and eventually worked my way up to celebrity chef, my now husband, was promoted in the tech career. Together we have 4 children and a very happy marriage.
Update: Till this day I have not seen or heard from my mother.
I'm not proud of how I was. Anytime I think back on my teen years, I am disgusted. I slept around a lot. I wasn't loved much as a child, stereotypical I know, but it's true, or at least that's why I think I was like that.
When I was 17 I found out I was pregnant. I knew things had to change. It wouldn't be just me anymore. I wanted to be a good mother.
My mother was never around much, when she was, she was really drunk. She would verbally and physically abuse me. If I slept with a guy I was normally able to spend the night at his place and not have to go home to my mother that night. So I slept around. Daily or at least as often as I could. Sometimes with multiple people.
When I found I was pregnant, I wrote a letter to my mom, packed my bags, and left. I went out to the country side where I knew there was an abandoned house. I hung out with a guy named Dave about a year back who showed me this place. It was his sexual fantasy to have sex in an abandoned house, and so we did. It wasn't your ordinary abandoned house. The house was well kept. Dave told me there was a farmer that lived about 5 miles away. The house belonged to his daughter. They got in a bad fight and she packed her bags and left. He keeps the house nice just in case she comes back. It's a sad story. Whether it was real or not, I don't know. The inside was fully furnished, and it was a 2 bedroom 1 bath house. The backyard had plots where you could garden. The closest shop was about 10 miles away. There was a bicycle in the little garage. I planned on using that to get around. I would stay quit and out of the way so the farmer wouldn't find out I was living there. I had 2 bags. One with cloths and ones with random things I thought would come in handy. I didn't have a job and 10 miles is a long way on a bike pregnant in my opinion. I was already 5 and a half months by the time I left home.
The letter I left for my mother told her I was pregnant and wanted to give my child a better life than what she gave me. I felt the life of my child would be in danger if I stayed so that I was leaving and would never be coming back.
It was a little harsh, but I wanted to get the point across. I don't think my mom could ever stop drinking. My dad was a dead beat and eventually left when I turned 6. I don't really remember him much, just that he was gone a lot. I think he ended up cheating on my mom and then left to be with the younger version of my mom, I don't really know. I do know it must have been hard raising a child alone but she got into drinking when my father left and was never the same. A lot of abuse took place so a part of me is angry at my father too. For leaving. For leaving me with her. I just knew I didn't want my situation to be like that for my kids.
I have no idea who my childs father is, but I know I am going to be a good mother. I changed my ways.
By the time I was 8 months pregnant, I had created a garden and had things growing and the house was clean of cob webs and bugs. The power worked but I chose to light candles at night and use natural light during the day so that the power bill wouldn't go up and the farmer get suspicious.
To my surprise I was not pregnant with only one child, not even two. I gave birth to triplets. Two boys and one girl.
They grew up so fast, before I knew it they were 4 years old.
The farmer did find out I was living there but after hearing my story he let me stay for as long as I wanted. The deal was he would let us stay if he
A few months after I started working on the farm I met a man. I swore I would stay away from guys. I didn't want to go back to the way things were, the way I was. But he was different. We went on dates and we talked. He was kind. We ended up having sex. A lot. Then he invited a friend. They would come to my home when the kids were at day care and we would have sex until I had to leave to pick them up. Next thing I knew I was pregnant. I was upset. I ended up acting like a slut again. This time I could tell who the father was. His name was Arthur. The other guy wore a condom, Arthur refused and at the time I didn't mind. I was going to let Arthur know, but tell him and the other guy that it had to stop.
Arthur wanted to be a part of my life, he wanted to meet my kids, and be there for me throughout my pregnancy. I was surprised but happy. I might have a shot at a family.
We talked for hours that day. I picked up my kids, gave them dinner, put them to bed and spent the whole evening with Arthur. No sex. Just talking. That was the first time that I had ever done that with a guy.
We fell asleep a few times but each time would get up and continue talking. He eventually moved in with me. When Farmer Sam found out he wasn't happy. He kicked me out despite our deal that I worked at the farm. I was there everyday. At the same time I understood. Arthur took us in.
He payed for me to get a photoshoot done. He wanted to spoil me and the kids as much as he could. I didn't know it at the time, but he came from a rich family.
Right after I gave birth to another baby girl who we named Ella, Arthur purposed to me.
We had a small backyard wedding with the triplets there to watch.
I had never been so happy. We moved to windenburg into a big home. I got a job as a cook and eventually worked my way up to celebrity chef, my now husband, was promoted in the tech career. Together we have 4 children and a very happy marriage.
Update: Till this day I have not seen or heard from my mother.
Hope you enjoyed this short story.
and kids: Ella, Grayson, Ryan, and Vivian
Monday, August 21, 2017
Our Forbidden love- Short story
My parents are well known in the town of Windenburg. Beauty and the beast they call them. They had two kids that were hidden away from the world. Sheltered out of fear of how their children would be treated knowing their father was a beast. Those kids were my younger brother and me.
We lived in a big house and we never left. Food and other supplies were brought to us by our butlers and outside help. My father, the beast, was a programmer, very good at his job and the highest level which allowed him to work from home. My mother was an avid reader and a famous author. Her author name was Isabelle Lakes, for who would read a book from the insane lady who married a beast?
Everything we could ever want and need was inside that home. I spent most of my days reading or painting. The only people besides my parents my brother and I ever got to talk to were our butlers (we had 3 for some reason), our gardener, and the occasional maid. Sometimes we would have pizza delivered to our house but the butlers always dealt with any visitors that came to the house. It was extremely rare anyone came to the door to actually visit. We did have a lot of people that would ring the doorbell and run away, my home and family were a game to them. My brother, Grayson, and I got along very well and always played together if we were not busy doing something else. My parents were very loving and always made sure we knew how much they loved us.
My favorite books were romance. I had just turned 16 and longed for someone to love the way the characters in my books loved. I wanted that so badly, but how could I ever have a love stuck inside this home? One day it hit me, sneak out. It would be tricky. The butlers were always walking around the house and checking that things were in order. Only 1 of the butlers lived in the house, the other 2 worked from 7am to 10:30pm and then would go home. I planned carefully about how I would sneak out, where I would go, and when I needed to be home by. Often times the 2 butlers would arrive around 6:30am or earlier. I figured leave by 11pm and be home by 4am would be a great window of adventure without being caught. My mom went by a fake name so if anyone asked I would lie about my name. No one would ever know. Instead of telling them my real name, Stella, my name would be Clara Thompson. It was the perfect plan.
So one night I did it, I snuck out. Two of the butlers had left and the one remaining went to take a break in his room. I didn't want to go out the front door so I went around back sneaking around the bushes careful not to be caught. My parents and brother were all in bed, but I snuck quietly just in case. Sometimes my mom liked to stay up late drinking tea and catching up on whatever the latest book she was reading. I was near the kitchen window when the light inside came on. My shadow giving away my location. I ducked under the bush more careful to not let my shadow show again and crawled to the gate. The gate door was just a few feet away from me, freedom on the other side. The kitchen light went off and I made a run for it opening the gate quickly and closing it slowly and quietly. I was free to explore. The first place I wanted to go was the park. I had my backpack and had printed a few maps off I found online earlier that day. I couldn't risk getting lost and someone finding my room empty and me no where to be found. It was about 11:30pm when I arrived to the park and to my surprise there were a ton of teenagers there. A party! I sat at the bench and watched for a little bit observing everything and then decided to join in on the fun. I was dancing and singing and making friends. A girl named Amber came up to me first and asked if I was new to the area, I told her I was. I spent most of the night with her. She introduced me to some of her friends and we ended up dancing with them. Next thing I know I look at my watch and it's already almost 4am.
"Amber! I am so sorry but I have to go!" I screamed over the loud music.
"What? You can't go yet! It's the weekend, have some fun, stay a little longer!" she yelled
I thought about staying longer but I had to beat my butlers home.
I grabbed her hand and had her follow me a little further away so we didn't have to scream.
"Look. I snuck out, they will kill me if they found out that I snuck out to go to a party." I said nervously as I looked at my watch watching the minutes past.
"Okay, no worries. There is another party next Saturday too, you have to come! Now, go home and don't get caught. And just so you know, we all snuck out to get here." she said as she started walking back to the party.
I started walking back and was looking down at my feet just thinking about how much fun I had. So many possibilities. So many things to do. I have to do this more.
All of a sudden I bumped into something and fell onto the ground.
"What the hell!" I said looking up.
I had just walked into Dominic, one of the butlers. He was wearing workout clothes. It was 3:30 in the morning. He helped me up off the ground.
"Clara. Did you have a good time?" he said calmly.
Clara? That's the name I use out here in the world, how did he know? Did I have a good time? I looked at him confused.
"I know you are confused. Your father found the maps and plans in your room earlier today laying on your desk when he went to give you a few books he ordered. He asked me to keep an eye on you. He thinks it's good you explore. He thinks it's time for you to go to an actual school and do things on your own. He would have kept an eye on you himself, but we both know why he can't." he said.
I was happy and relieved. Sneaking out was fun but I would hate lying and keeping it all to myself.
"Oh." was all I could say.
"Ready to go?" he said as he reached out his hand for mine.
I grabbed his hand and began to walk with him.
"Before we go home, I know a great coffee place. They are a 24/7 kind of place. Don't worry about the time or anything. I'll take care of you." he said as he waited for my response.
"Sure! Sounds like fun. Thank you." I said.
We walked a little and caught the bus line to a place called "The Coffee Bean". It was super cute and had outdoor seating as well. It looked like a great cozy place to read. The smell of coffee filled the air. Dominic lead me inside and pulled the seat out for me like a true gentlemen. We had such a great time talking and laughing.
A year later Dominic and I would still go out and go to The Coffee Bean. I became very found of him. He made me feel calm. I was starting to fall in love with him. The age difference was so much though. I was 17 at the time, he was considered an elder.
"Clara." he said looking at me. He always called my Clara when we went out. It become my "out in the world" name.
"I know this may come as a surprise. You can say no, but I at least want to take a chance and ask you. I know our age difference is a lot but, would you go on a date with me?" he smiled nervously.
"Yes." I said smiling.
A few months later I started feeling sick in the morning and decided to tell Dominic. He got me a pregnancy test and I found out I was pregnant with his baby. I had fallen in love with this man. My parents did not know about Dominic and I being together. Now that I was pregnant it was time to tell them.
We sat with my mom and dad in the living room, Grayson was in the home classroom with his teacher. Dominic and I sat across from my parents.
"Mom. Dad. There is something that I...we...need to tell you." I said nervously.
Dominic grabbed my hand. He could see how nervous I was. I started feeling like throwing up.
"Belle. Beast. We are dating and your daughter is pregnant with my child." he said boldly.
We loved each other and I was growing a tiny human inside of me.
My father was livid and my mother began to cry. The day we told my parents, I was 4 months pregnant, they kicked me out of the house and was not allowed to see my brother. Grayson would not be able to go out into the world like I did. I could tell my dad would make sure of it, for he might become like me. Young and instead of getting pregnant, him getting someone pregnant.
Dominic didn't worry, we packed some of my things and he moved me into his home. It was a huge penthouse in San Myshuno. His parents were very wealthy and he inherited the penthouse and all the money when they passed away. He told me he would always love me and take care of me and the baby. That I had nothing to worry about.
5 months after moving in to his home I gave birth to our baby girl, Aspen.
When Aspen turned 2, Dominic proposed to me and of course I said yes. We had a forbidden love but it didn't stop me from saying yes. I loved this man. He was so good with Aspen, they had a good bond.
I decided to reach out to my parents. I wrote a letter to my mom with all the wedding details, the letter read:
Dear mom,
I know it has been a while since we last spoke, and that parting ways did not end on good terms. I wanted to reach out to you. I gave birth to a healthy baby girl named Aspen. She just turned 2 years old. They grow up so fast. Dominic has been an amazing father and takes care of the both of us very well. I know that he is older than me and that everything came as a shock. But I truly love this man and I am very happy.Dominic asked me to marry him and I said yes. I want you, dad and Grayson to come. Be there at my wedding and also meet your granddaughter. I hope we can put our differences aside and that you come. We hope to see you there.
Much love,
you daughter
3 weeks later was our wedding and to my surprise, my parents and my brother came. We walked for a long time and talked about everything. They finally met Aspen and even moved on from the age difference between my now husband and I. A Perfect day in my book. Everything was coming together and I was happier than ever.
We lived in a big house and we never left. Food and other supplies were brought to us by our butlers and outside help. My father, the beast, was a programmer, very good at his job and the highest level which allowed him to work from home. My mother was an avid reader and a famous author. Her author name was Isabelle Lakes, for who would read a book from the insane lady who married a beast?
Everything we could ever want and need was inside that home. I spent most of my days reading or painting. The only people besides my parents my brother and I ever got to talk to were our butlers (we had 3 for some reason), our gardener, and the occasional maid. Sometimes we would have pizza delivered to our house but the butlers always dealt with any visitors that came to the house. It was extremely rare anyone came to the door to actually visit. We did have a lot of people that would ring the doorbell and run away, my home and family were a game to them. My brother, Grayson, and I got along very well and always played together if we were not busy doing something else. My parents were very loving and always made sure we knew how much they loved us.
My favorite books were romance. I had just turned 16 and longed for someone to love the way the characters in my books loved. I wanted that so badly, but how could I ever have a love stuck inside this home? One day it hit me, sneak out. It would be tricky. The butlers were always walking around the house and checking that things were in order. Only 1 of the butlers lived in the house, the other 2 worked from 7am to 10:30pm and then would go home. I planned carefully about how I would sneak out, where I would go, and when I needed to be home by. Often times the 2 butlers would arrive around 6:30am or earlier. I figured leave by 11pm and be home by 4am would be a great window of adventure without being caught. My mom went by a fake name so if anyone asked I would lie about my name. No one would ever know. Instead of telling them my real name, Stella, my name would be Clara Thompson. It was the perfect plan.
So one night I did it, I snuck out. Two of the butlers had left and the one remaining went to take a break in his room. I didn't want to go out the front door so I went around back sneaking around the bushes careful not to be caught. My parents and brother were all in bed, but I snuck quietly just in case. Sometimes my mom liked to stay up late drinking tea and catching up on whatever the latest book she was reading. I was near the kitchen window when the light inside came on. My shadow giving away my location. I ducked under the bush more careful to not let my shadow show again and crawled to the gate. The gate door was just a few feet away from me, freedom on the other side. The kitchen light went off and I made a run for it opening the gate quickly and closing it slowly and quietly. I was free to explore. The first place I wanted to go was the park. I had my backpack and had printed a few maps off I found online earlier that day. I couldn't risk getting lost and someone finding my room empty and me no where to be found. It was about 11:30pm when I arrived to the park and to my surprise there were a ton of teenagers there. A party! I sat at the bench and watched for a little bit observing everything and then decided to join in on the fun. I was dancing and singing and making friends. A girl named Amber came up to me first and asked if I was new to the area, I told her I was. I spent most of the night with her. She introduced me to some of her friends and we ended up dancing with them. Next thing I know I look at my watch and it's already almost 4am.
"Amber! I am so sorry but I have to go!" I screamed over the loud music.
"What? You can't go yet! It's the weekend, have some fun, stay a little longer!" she yelled
I thought about staying longer but I had to beat my butlers home.
I grabbed her hand and had her follow me a little further away so we didn't have to scream.
"Look. I snuck out, they will kill me if they found out that I snuck out to go to a party." I said nervously as I looked at my watch watching the minutes past.
"Okay, no worries. There is another party next Saturday too, you have to come! Now, go home and don't get caught. And just so you know, we all snuck out to get here." she said as she started walking back to the party.
I started walking back and was looking down at my feet just thinking about how much fun I had. So many possibilities. So many things to do. I have to do this more.
All of a sudden I bumped into something and fell onto the ground.
"What the hell!" I said looking up.
I had just walked into Dominic, one of the butlers. He was wearing workout clothes. It was 3:30 in the morning. He helped me up off the ground.
"Clara. Did you have a good time?" he said calmly.
Clara? That's the name I use out here in the world, how did he know? Did I have a good time? I looked at him confused.
"I know you are confused. Your father found the maps and plans in your room earlier today laying on your desk when he went to give you a few books he ordered. He asked me to keep an eye on you. He thinks it's good you explore. He thinks it's time for you to go to an actual school and do things on your own. He would have kept an eye on you himself, but we both know why he can't." he said.
I was happy and relieved. Sneaking out was fun but I would hate lying and keeping it all to myself.
"Oh." was all I could say.
"Ready to go?" he said as he reached out his hand for mine.
I grabbed his hand and began to walk with him.
"Before we go home, I know a great coffee place. They are a 24/7 kind of place. Don't worry about the time or anything. I'll take care of you." he said as he waited for my response.
"Sure! Sounds like fun. Thank you." I said.
We walked a little and caught the bus line to a place called "The Coffee Bean". It was super cute and had outdoor seating as well. It looked like a great cozy place to read. The smell of coffee filled the air. Dominic lead me inside and pulled the seat out for me like a true gentlemen. We had such a great time talking and laughing.
A year later Dominic and I would still go out and go to The Coffee Bean. I became very found of him. He made me feel calm. I was starting to fall in love with him. The age difference was so much though. I was 17 at the time, he was considered an elder.
"Clara." he said looking at me. He always called my Clara when we went out. It become my "out in the world" name.
"I know this may come as a surprise. You can say no, but I at least want to take a chance and ask you. I know our age difference is a lot but, would you go on a date with me?" he smiled nervously.
"Yes." I said smiling.
A few months later I started feeling sick in the morning and decided to tell Dominic. He got me a pregnancy test and I found out I was pregnant with his baby. I had fallen in love with this man. My parents did not know about Dominic and I being together. Now that I was pregnant it was time to tell them.
We sat with my mom and dad in the living room, Grayson was in the home classroom with his teacher. Dominic and I sat across from my parents.
"Mom. Dad. There is something that I...we...need to tell you." I said nervously.
Dominic grabbed my hand. He could see how nervous I was. I started feeling like throwing up.
"Belle. Beast. We are dating and your daughter is pregnant with my child." he said boldly.
We loved each other and I was growing a tiny human inside of me.
My father was livid and my mother began to cry. The day we told my parents, I was 4 months pregnant, they kicked me out of the house and was not allowed to see my brother. Grayson would not be able to go out into the world like I did. I could tell my dad would make sure of it, for he might become like me. Young and instead of getting pregnant, him getting someone pregnant.
Dominic didn't worry, we packed some of my things and he moved me into his home. It was a huge penthouse in San Myshuno. His parents were very wealthy and he inherited the penthouse and all the money when they passed away. He told me he would always love me and take care of me and the baby. That I had nothing to worry about.
5 months after moving in to his home I gave birth to our baby girl, Aspen.
When Aspen turned 2, Dominic proposed to me and of course I said yes. We had a forbidden love but it didn't stop me from saying yes. I loved this man. He was so good with Aspen, they had a good bond.
I decided to reach out to my parents. I wrote a letter to my mom with all the wedding details, the letter read:
Dear mom,
I know it has been a while since we last spoke, and that parting ways did not end on good terms. I wanted to reach out to you. I gave birth to a healthy baby girl named Aspen. She just turned 2 years old. They grow up so fast. Dominic has been an amazing father and takes care of the both of us very well. I know that he is older than me and that everything came as a shock. But I truly love this man and I am very happy.Dominic asked me to marry him and I said yes. I want you, dad and Grayson to come. Be there at my wedding and also meet your granddaughter. I hope we can put our differences aside and that you come. We hope to see you there.
Much love,
you daughter
3 weeks later was our wedding and to my surprise, my parents and my brother came. We walked for a long time and talked about everything. They finally met Aspen and even moved on from the age difference between my now husband and I. A Perfect day in my book. Everything was coming together and I was happier than ever.
Sunday, July 16, 2017
Day 4: #33dayscaschallenge
Hello to all!
Day 4 is now posted...happy simming!
Sneak peak:
Go here for the full version and previous days:
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
Day 3 of the #33dayscaschallange
Hello to all!
Day 3 of the 33 days of CAS challenge is now posted here:
Day 3 is Barbie Doll
Sneak Peak:
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